Sunday, December 21, 2008

Birthday Countdown ... The Conclusion

When I left my first Birthday Countdown post, I was leading up to little man's super-fun, so exciting it can't even be wrapped, big boy birthday present.

A gift that heralded little man's official transition (at least in mommy's eyes) from baby to big boy.

A gift that meant moving the family heirloom rocking horse out of his room to make way for his new big boy present.

So, without further adieu, I give you ...


{And Dory}

{the fishies}

When I was growing up, we always had pets. My childhood is filled with memories of our own fish tank, my hamster and the many dogs that have been a part of my life. Even though we do have our lovable family dog, Casper, I wanted little man to have something of his own. And after many hints, discussions and me promising I would take full responsibility for the new aquatic family members, my husband finally acquiesced. Then again, I also know full well that in his mind he rationalizes it as the lesser of two evils, being as my first little man pet campaign involved talk of a new puppy.

And, as heartbreaking as moving the rocking horse into the basement was (at least until we have reason to move it back out again), my sadness was quickly turned to joy when I saw little man's eyes light up when we introduced him to his new fish tank, which now sits where his rocking horse did.

"Fishies!" He squealed. "MY fishies!"

He then promptly named them Nemo and Dory.

And so our little family has grown once again. And at night when I tuck little man in, there are now two new family members I must also say goodnight to as I turn off the light and shut little man's door.

Happy Holidays from me, my husband, little man, Casper
and Nemo and

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