Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Birthday Countdown

The cake has been ordered.

The presents have been wrapped (at least the ones we could wrap).

The celebration has been planned.

And little man is increasingly aware that his birthday is Sunday.

Too bad he was just diagnosed with croup AND strep.

My poor baby. Talk about a way to ring in your third birthday, eh?

One thing little man will have to deal with throughout his life is the fact that his birthday is just four days before Christmas. As such, I am almost militant about making his birthday special - no Christmas wrapping paper on birthday presents. No Santa birthday cakes. No Christmas/birthday dual gifts.

None. Of. It.

Little man is almost hyper-aware this year that his birthday is upon us.

"Mommy, my birthday coming," little man said to me the other night.

"I know, what do you want for your birthday?" I asked.

"Birthday cake. I want cake," he said.

Fortunately for me, there will be a Cars birthday cake awaiting me at the bakery Friday at Noon.

There is also a super-exciting, so special it can't even be wrapped, birthday present hidden in our house.

A present that marks the fact that little man isn't a baby any more.

A present that may even top Santa's Spike the Ultra Dinosaur on Christmas morning.

What is it?

To be continued ...


LAMBO said...

I wrapped his birthday present in birthday paper. That's how I roll. Been celebrating the before Christmas birthday for 35 years. I

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!!! Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jason didn't get a card in the mail (Rachel kept reminding us, but we couldn't figure out what she was saying), but we'll see you on Friday with a fun present! Save us a piece of cake!