Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You Need a What?

Last night when I picked up little man from preschool he had a bad case of hiccups. Not a real surprise, little man has always been very hiccupy, even before he was born. In utero he would get the hiccups at least twice a day, and usually at 3 a.m. or whenever I happened to have a real bad case of heartburn, making my pregnancy that much more enjoyable.

We were having our usual talk about what he did that day, what games he played, etc. on the car ride home. In between hiccups little man told me all about the letter J and how one of his classmates broke the toy train.

Then our usual, normal, everyday discussion took a turn for the ... strange.

"Goodness, you have a bad case of hiccups, huh?" I asked little man.

"Yeah," he said as he hiccuped again. "Just like Max."

{a reference to one of his favorite TV shows, Max and Ruby, in which Ruby deals with a bad case of hiccups in one episode}

"Mommy ... I need a beaver," he said.

{insert confused, blank mommy look here}

"You need a what?" I asked him to be sure I had heard him correctly the first time.

"A beaver."

The question was just begging to be asked ...

"Why exactly do you need a beaver?" I asked him.

"For my hiccups, to make them go away," he said.

I sat there, blank. I was unsure of what to do with this piece of information. I racked my brain trying to figure out what little man was talking about.

I wasn't even sure he knew what a beaver was.

"Do you know what a beaver is?" I asked him.

"Oh yes mommy, they're fuzzy," he said.

I continued our drive home in silence. Puzzled as to why little man thought a beaver would cure his hiccups.

We got home and little man ran inside to play. As I sat the table for dinner I looked over at little man.

"Still got those mean old hiccups?" I asked him.

"No," he said.

"Oh, did you find a beaver?" I asked him, joking.

"Yeah, I found him. He make hiccups go away," little man said nonchalantly.

I stopped in my tracks. My gaze went around the livingroom, looking for this magical hiccup-curing beaver.

Then I realized what I was doing, and stopped.

I was still dumbfounded, as was my husband, who couldn't help but to laugh at the discussion that had just ensued.

I meanwhile, fully intend on Googling beavers and hiccups in the morning ... However, on second thought, what might come up may be scarier than the notion of a giant beaver lurking in my house.

I wonder what he'll think up for the tooth fairy.


Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

As little man would say, "Tobble, Tobble!"

{"gobble, gobble"}

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